Triton's Realm


The tugboat Northwind is named after the boat Mel Fisher used as a platform to salvage treasure from the wreck of the Atocha.

'],[new google.maps.LatLng(17.7509797923, -64.8957633879),'Aegir Habitat','
Triton's Realm

Aegir Habitat

The Aegir habitat is composed of two cylinders attached to a sphere in the center. Divers can swim through the entire length of it.

'],[new google.maps.LatLng(17.7513498534, -64.8958586063),'Virgin Islander','
Triton's Realm

Virgin Islander

At 300-feet long, the oil barge Virgin Islander is the largest of all the wrecks in Butler Bay

'],[new google.maps.LatLng(17.7518239338, -64.8957747035),'Suffolk Maid','
Triton's Realm

Suffolk Maid

The 144-foot North Sea trawler Suffolk Maid sits upright in 60 feet of water and is an impressive site.

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